Chance de verdade

Villeneuve enche F-E de elogios e considera retorno em 2016/17: “Seria ótimo ter uma chance de verdade”

Jacques Villeneuve fez uma aparição relâmpago na F-E, só correndo três provas pela Venturi. O canadense diz ter aproveitado a experiência, e considera uma “chance de verdade” no certame elétrico

Jacques Villeneuve teve uma carreira efêmera na F-E. Grande contratação da Venturi para 2015/16, o canadense saiu pela porta de trás depois de apenas três corridas. Sem qualquer contrato assinado para o futuro, Villeneuve parece disposto a ter uma nova chance no campeonato elétrico.

Mesmo sem ter apresentado o ritmo desejado – Villeneuve não chegou a pontuar –, o campeão da F1 parece ter curtido a experiência.

“Adoraria voltar. As corridas eram divertidas, algumas pistas eram ótimas, a da Malásia era incrível. O campeonato é muito profissional, são ótimos pilotos. Foi uma experiência válida, seria ótimo ter uma chance de verdade por lá”, contou Villeneuve, falando ao site oficial da F-E.

Das três provas da F-E, Villeneuve só disputou duas. No eP de Punta del Este, o canadense bateu durante o treino classificatório e, sem tempo hábil para reparos, não conseguiu largar. De acordo com Jacques, o acidente foi consequência de um erro na configuração dos freios. Ainda não se sabia, mas aquela seria a última corrida do piloto pela Venturi.

“Só pensamos nisso após a classificação. Foi irritante, certamente alguém da equipe devia ter pensado nisso, eles tinham anos de experiência. Mas acabou nem sendo uma batida tão forte. Só 70 km/h, menor batida que já tive”, lamentou. 

Se Villeneuve quiser uma vaga na F-E, é hora de se apressar. Apenas Mahindra, Jaguar, Andretti, China e a própria Venturi seguem com vagas em aberto. 

Fonte: Grande Prêmio

Olha, até hoje não entendo bem o que aconteceu com a saída de Villeneuve da F-E. 

Mas enfim, se um dia tiver como ele voltar e for bacana para ele, acho que vale a pena tentar.

Beijinhos, Ludy


SLite disse…
Ludy, just to underline what I wrote in my earlier post... this is a perfect exemple of JV's way of bending reality when he needs to.
this is what happened with venturi -his words...-:
around december 2015 an assumed nascar team approached Jacques, and offered him a seat to ride a partial schedule in the nationwide category. the team was supposedly called wingnut racing, as you may already know. JV dropped his seat at Venturi because he couldn't keep a double schedule with racing and doing commentaries for tv, so he had to drop something and that something was Venturi. The problem was that wingnut was a fraud, a scam, and JV had signed a contract with them -rick gorne his manager confirmed it, wonder if he cared to fact check the team before letting JV place his name on the papers...-. So wingnut kept postponing their debut at racing competition -they were supposed to start a daytona, then vegas... and so on- until the fraud came out. SO jacques basically dropped a secured job for a con and guess what everyone said afterwards? that jv dropped venturi because it was a shit team. the narrative bending continues... additionally the only time he openly stated that he was dropping venturi to persue a schedule in nascar was in ONE interview with a canadian paper, every single other time his parting with venturi is mentioned, it was an 'amicable split'. I guess in july 2016 he was hoping to mend things with formula E world because he was basically out of any kind of a ride by then, so formula E was one of the last chances he had left -except for euronascar, which he tried only later.-. Guess the category didn't pardon him easily since he got left out of racing seats until 2018 after that. also, he dropped his rallycross team on their last race in 2014 when his manager Rick Gorne was dealing with them to grant him a second year run. JV dropped the albatec team without telling his own manager, apparently. -by the words of the team manager, andy scott, if you want to double check it.- so JV is not as transparent as he presents himself to be.
Hi!!!! I get your point of view, don't worry! The fact of the matter is that over the years I just got tired of trying to understand all the times JV has dropped a team or has been dropped by one. It looks like he has lots of complicated situations all over the years and I was too tired to try to understand all of them. hahaha


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