Scuderia Ferrari and Kimi star in Rotterdam

Rotterdam, 31 August –Scuderia Ferrari put on an exciting and spectacular show today, as part of VKV Rotterdam City Racing, the event which saw around half a million fans flock to the Dutch city, encouraged by the sunshine which chased away yesterday’s clouds. One of the supporters of the event was Scuderia sponsor Santander Bank. 

On hand for Scuderia Ferrari was Formula1 driver Kimi Raikkonen, who drove three laps of the four kilometre circuit which ran between the Willemsburg bridge and the Hofplein roundabout, at the wheel of a 2009 F60, the car in which he won that year’s Belgian Grand Prix. The Finn thrilled the Rotterdam crowd with scorching starts, tyre burn-outs and spectacular acceleration. 

Before and after his runs, Kimi met fans and enthusiasts of all ages, including lots of kids, chatting with them about this season and expectations for what lies ahead, while also signing dozens and dozens of autographs for racing fans from a country which used to host a Formula 1 Grand Prix up to 1985, when the Dutch Grand Prix was held for the last time at the Zandvoort circuit.

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Mais um pouquinho sobre o evento de hoje lá na Holanda que eu já havia postado algumas fotos mais cedo.

Um monte de gente foi para as ruas de Roterdã ver o Iceman e parece que as crianças em especial ficaram empolgadíssimas. rsrsrs... #quebom Carinho de fã, ainda mais das crianças, é sempre bacana.

Para verem mais fotos do evento de hoje, cliquem aqui.

Beijinhos, Ludy


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