Räikkönen’s and Arnall’s good chemistry

Räikkönen’s and Arnall’s good chemistry

Räikkönen and Arnall have been working together for 15 years - and together they go to new challenges in the next season.

Turun Sanomat got a rare interview with the driver and his trainer in the scorching hot Sepang paddock.

What does it mean to Räikkönen to work with the same trainer for so long?

"We have worked together always. Of course, in the first season at Sauber I had Josef Leberer. With Mark we know exactly what we need to do and how it will be. Neither of us needs to ask for or wonder about anything." - smiles Raikkonen.

"Of course it’s a great help when Mark has always everything ready and things go like it should be. Obviously if things hadn’t gone as wanted, we would no longer work together."

"Mark is a great guy, I can’t imagine anyone else." - Raikkonen praises.

The British trainer praises the incredible journey alongside the Finnish star.

"I really enjoyed it. It was quite a journey for me to see the athlete growing from a boy to a husband and father. As a father, Kimi is very inspiring, and it is just great to watch how he is doing with Robin. Kimi is just a fantastic father."

"It has been an absolutely brilliant experience to see Kimi’s change and progress over the years, and to have been close to witness it. When I look back over these 15 years, the mind will rise immediately to the first win in Malaysia, the first pole at the Nürburgring, the first win in Monaco and the world championship, but in addition to those peak moments, there are the lows, such as the car breaking down in the final lap at the Nürburgring, when he was about to win the race."

"It has been very challenging in a nice way to be this close. I wouldn’t trade a day off. For me, this was just a fantastic experience. When looking for just the peak moment, it was of course the world championship, which I think Kimi more than deserved."

"In particular, I would highlight the core of our group: David and Steve Robertson, Kimi and I have worked really closely together. It aimed at the same objective of a good team of people who helped Kimi to take the biggest goals."

"Kimi is still one of the most naturally talented drivers on the grid, and from the driving point of view he has not lost anything" - Arnall stresses.

Fonte: http://leavemealone.hu/  

 Eu depois de ler esta entrevista com Mark....

Tão lindo e emocionante ver como eles se tornaram amigos além de companheiros de trabalho. A forma como Mark falou do crescimento de Kimi, daquele menino que ele conheceu na McLaren até hoje, pai de família. #fiqueiemocionada

E depois o que ele falou sobre o quarteto: ele, Kimi, Steve e o saudoso David. Eu sempre falo desta relação por aqui porque é algo muito importante na minha opinião. Nós fãs do Iceman bem sabemos o quanto estes caras foram/são fundamentais na vida e na carreira do finlandês. #émuitoamorenvolvido

Aliás, nada na vida da gente funciona sem as pessoas fundamentais para nos ajudar a sermos melhores no que nos propomos a fazer.

Mark é uma destas pessoas na jornada de Räikkönen e o Iceman é grato por isto como ficou claro na entrevista acima e como notamos constantemente na amizade dos dois.

Beijinhos, Ludy


bryan disse…
Bacana esse Post ! Gostei também da foto : uma época em que Jean Todt estava na Ferrari e colocou a equipe em um outro patamar ... O carro estava "na mão" de Kimi. Ninguém colocava em dúvida a competência e o talento natural do Iceman. Como foi na Sauber , McLaren e Lotus. Uma pena que os italianos que dirigem a montadora e a equipe de F1 não consigam tirar o melhor desse piloto fora-de-série. Acabaram com as chances de Fernando ganhar mais alguns títulos e agora fazem o mesmo com Sebastian.
A Ferrari acaba com as chances de qualquer um. É desanimador.



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