"Eu não desisti"

“Once I got back from Japan, I was able to focus on the positive elements from my weekend in Suzuka: pole position, the on-track pass on Bottas and then having the speed to undercut Vettel’s Ferrari at the second pit-stop. I’m not backing down in my fight for the championship and gaining those positions back fair and square showed that. We have five races to go and, although the championship gap to Lewis is quite big, in my mind it’s definitely not over yet. The way the whole team has performed this year – from the factories to the garage – has been just incredible and I have the car I need to get back to the top step. I really enjoyed our first trip to Russia last year and it was an awesome weekend for the team – one that I will always remember after seeing all the hard work they’ve put in during my time here. So, I’m aiming to put all those tools they’ve given me to good use and bring home a top result.”

Desistir não pode, mas sabemos que está difícil. Uma lufada de sorte PELO AMOR DE DEUS!!!

By Lu


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