Kimi and Scuderia Ferrari head for Rotterdam

Maranello, 29 August – Scuderia Ferrari is heading for the Netherlands where again this year it will take part in VKV Rotterdam City Racing, and on Sunday, the city on the banks of the New Meuse river will come alive to the sound of racing engines.

Representing the Maranello team will be Kimi Raikkonen, who will drive a course that cuts through the city centre, from the Willemsburg Bridge to the Hofplein roundabout. The link to Scuderia Ferrari comes in the shape of the Santander Bank, a sponsor of the event itself and the Formula 1 team. 

After a Street Demo in South Africa at the start of the year and Russia’s Moscow City Racing, this event in Rotterdam provides Scuderia Ferrari with another opportunity to bring Formula 1 to the people in a country that does not host a Formula 1 Grand Prix. There has not been a Dutch GP since 1985 and last year, the Rotterdam event drew a crowd of half a million. 

Raikkonen will drive a 2009 F60, chassis number 276, with which the Finn had started that Formula 1 season. After the Drivers’ Parade at 14h00, Kimi will be on track from 14.20 to 14.35 and then again from 15.45 to 16.00. You can follow the event on Scuderia Ferrari’s Twitter page, where you can also post comments and photos of the action using the hashtag #FerrariRCR14.

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Evento do title sponsor da Ferrari (Santander) leva o Iceman para Roterdã, na Holanda, amanhã, onde ele vai pilotar o F60. Xiiiiiii... vai quebrar!!! rsrsrs...

Esta porcaria de carro ainda existe? Deveriam ter mandado para a sucata! kkkkk

Beijinhos, Ludy


Micael disse…
P***** nem pra dar um F2004 pro Gelo pilotar heim...
Escolheram o pior modelo possivel (depois do F14t)

O F60 era um carrão perto do F150th Itália... hehehehe

Bjusss, Tati

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