Red Bull is willing to support Kimi's icehockey-business
Red Bull is willing to support Kimi's icehockey-business
klo 10.18
The circus gets wilder day by day. Bild told on Wednesday that Ferrari has made an offer to Kimi Räikkönen.
In Bild's article details of Red Bull's offer were mentioned.
According to the paper the offer is 15 million dollars per year plus bonuses. In addition to the salary they have agreed that Red Bull will support Kimi's ICE1RACING -motocross team and Kimi's icehockey team.
They probably mean the Swiss EV Zug ice hockey team which Räikkönen bought a few years ago. Kimi follows every now and then the team's grips, which is lead by Doug Shedden.
It takes about 10 minutes to go from Räikkönen's luxurious villa to Zug areena in Baar.
League boss?
Räikkönen has been connected a couple of times to icehockey-businesses in Finland. According to information Iltalehti has, Kimi was about to buy Ilves in 2000 but the scenario didn't work out because Vincent Manngard was unwilling to sell his shares.
Räikkönen has often been spotted in Blues-team's home arena, and when they were setting up the KHL-project in 2011. Räikkönen was asked to join. He refused however.
Räikkönen has in the latest rumor been connected to Lappeenranta's SaiPa. Kimi has been spotted in Saimaa looking for estates, Etelä-Saimaa -paper tells. They are talking about a possible purchase worth almost one million euros.
- Kimi has not bought anything, nor is he buying, Riku Kuvaja denied to Iltalehti.
The ownership of SaiPa has been divided between seven different parties.
- We have no need to comment on this. SaiPa will be owned by current owners according to the current information, Jouni Okko, who owns 24,91 % of the league, told Iltalehti.
Fonte: / Tradução para o Inglês: Nicole
Como se compete com uma empresa que além de te pagar para correr pode patrocinar sua equipe de motocross (como postei aqui) e agora possivelmente com um time que você apoia no ice hockey?
Simples, não se compete!
Beijinhos, Ludy
Agora esta sobre RBR.....realmente a Lotus está em desvantagem....
Não sabia que o mocinho tb tinha um time de icehockey.....
bjs, Ludy