Alan Permane talks about teamradio discussions

Lotus-boss about teamradio discussions: "It's not easy when a multi-millionaire, who is worshipped by the rest of the world, sits behind the steering wheel!" 

09.08.2013 18:59 | Formula 1 | 

Alan Permane analyzes different drivers' needs for different kind of radio traffic in Autosport. 

Permane emphasizes the relationship between the driver and his race engineer, where mutual respect is the most important. 

- The engineer needs to be able to say if this or that thing isn't in order. And it isn't easy when you have a multi-millionaire, who is worshipped by the rest of the world, sitting behind the steering wheel! 

Permane has earlier worked as Giancarlo Fisichella's and Jacques Villeneuve's race engineer. 

- They have to be critisized and that's something I was able to do. I get well along with my ex-drivers and I'm still in touch with "Fisi". But there were times when he needed to be woken up. 

- Kimi for example doesn't like big amounts of information, but Villeneuve again wanted to talk every lap, even if it was just chatting. He wanted to know the positions of others, what happened in the car, everything. Most drivers want to be updated, but not disturbed, Permane describes.


Bacana estas matérias. Gosto de saber estes detalhes. Ainda mais porque fala sobre os dois pilotos pelo qual torci e ainda torço na F1: Jacques e Kimi.

Não me surpreendi com o que Permane falou sobre Ville gostar de receber todas as informações, ou até mesmo de jogar uma conversa fora... rsrsrs

E Kimi, bem, a gente sabe!!! rsrsrs...

Beijinhos, Ludy


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