Räikkönen didn't get special treatment in Hyvinkää: ”Here we look at the pass, not at the face”
Räikkönen didn't get special treatment in Hyvinkää: ”Here we look at the pass, not at the face”
Kimi Räikkönen, who followed motocross MX1 and MX2 -classes WC-races in Finland, Hyvinkää, got to see that being a F1-star doesn't always grant you special treatment.
Kimi Räikkönen was following his own motocross-team Ice1Racing's performances.
Räikkönen, who arrived at the event around noon, relaxed in the racing area. He had refreshments in the pit garage but also took the time to follow the actual race from the stand. At the same time Räikkönen got to see that being a F1-star doesn't always grant special treatment.
When Räikkönen tried to get in the VIP-premises he was sent away from the gate because he didn't have the VIP-pass hanging around his neck.
- Kimi didn't have the pass, so I told him that he has no business to go inside. Here we look at the pass, not at the face, the doorman who turned back Räikkönen smiled.
According to him Räikkönen wasn't offended over it, he went back to get the required pass like a good boy.
- Kimi wasn't offended by that. When he came back with the VIP-pass I wished him a good race. I guess that Kimi also wants to be treated in the same way as others are treated, the doorman speculated.
- But the other watchers who sat nearby got a bit offended and came to say to me "don't you know who you didn't let in", he laughed.
Räikkönen didn't want to comment on his own F1-plans. Vacating Räikkönen only wanted to concentrate on the actual motocross-event.
In Räikkönen's entourage was among others his mother Paula, brother Rami and Riku Kuvaja.
The WC-race in Hyvinkää was also popular among regular watchers. According to the organizers about 8000 people came to watch the race.
Tapani Linna, Hyvinkää
Fonte: Ilta Sanomat / Tradução para o Inglês: Nicole
hahaha... o tiozinho do portão da área VIP barrou Kimi porque ele estava sem o passe de VIP. "Kimi não tinha o passe, então eu disse a ele que ele não poderia entrar. Aqui a gente olha o passe, não o rosto", contou sorrindo.
Obviamente Kimi obedeceu, foi para a fila onde se poderia obter o passe de VIP e voltou com o mesmo, podendo então, entrar.
O tiozinho que barrou Kimi disse que em nenhum momento sentiu que o finlandês ficou bravo, e quando ele voltou com o passe VIP, desejou ao piloto da Lotus uma boa corrida.
Ele também contou, entre risadas, que as pessoas que estavam na fila esperando para entrar, logo depois que Kimi saiu de lá, logo falaram para ele: "Você sabe quem você não deixou entrar?".
O rapaz responsável pela entrada dos VIPs sabia, mas como ele disse, tem que tratar todo mundo igual e ele acha que Kimi não se sentiu ofendido por isto.
E eu concordo com ele. Também acho que não. Kimi tentou entrar porque qualquer um no lugar dele tentaria. Não pode, pronto, fez o que tinha que fazer e pode desfrutar do evento ao lado de seu irmão, mãe e do assessor Riku, além de mais uma galera que foi com ele.
Beijinhos, Ludy
domingo de puro tedio....