É desafiador nesse calor

"That was a busy day for us and we learned a lot in the two practice sessions. We know that it's quite challenging for our car in these hot conditions and we also had to learn about the new tyres for the first time today. I'm pleased with the progress that we made today but some of the other teams look quick here so we have more work to do. Tyre overheating is still an issue but I'm confident that we will be able to find a good set up and hopefully achieve a decent result this weekend." says Nico

Wiskas sachê, vê se faz pole amanhã. Ok, o tom do comentário não leva para esse lado. O carro não está tão rápido quanto o esperado e mesmo em cima do muro, dá para sentir nas entrelinhas que não será tão fácil  o resto do final de semana. É a Mercedes, enfim.

Tá! Agora, vamos jogar futebol lá no fundo do box! uhuuu!

E esse bronzeado powered by Ibiza???
 by Lu


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