
"I was really shocked when I saw the times falling in Q2 today and realised that I was in P11. I didn't see it coming and we just underestimated how much the track would ramp up in terms of grip and lap time. I could have been on the front row today and that's why I'm so disappointed. It's been a tough day but sometimes that's how racing is. I will be doing my best to climb up through the field tomorrow but it won't be easy", says Nico. (Fonte: Facebook Nico Rosberg) 

Sabe quando dói a alma? Dá para ver que o piloto ficou desnorteado com o resultado. Uma pena. Vai ter uma corrida difícil demais amanhã. Mas, ele também pode tentar fazer do limão, a limonada. Usando isso como combustível para fazer uma corrida genial (se o carro deixar, claro)

By Lu


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