The all-time favorite of hockey stars

The all-time favorite of hockey stars 

Kolumnit | Turun Sanomat 

Icehockey is a big topic in Montreal's paddock. Of course the Canadian media is also fascinated by the F1-speed, but the discussions at tables turn easily into events in Stanley Cup. 

Boston's Finnish goalkeeper Tuukka Rask has made a huge impression on the Canadian motorsport-media in the paddock - he is like the Kimi from rinks... 

No Finnish icehockey players have been spotted in the F1-paddock, but two bright Swiss stars have arrived as Sauber's VIP-guests: Damien Brunner from Detroit Red Wings and Raphael Diaz from Montreal Canadiens. 

Both confessed being huge Kimi-fans in Blick-magazine. As a matter of fact they said that Kimi is their reason for closely following F1-races. The guys have briefly met in the paddock but they know each other very well from before. 

Brunner and Diaz played in Switzerland's league EV Zug during the NHL-strike. Räikkönen again is one of the league's shareholders. The NHL-players were very pleased when Räikkönen every now and then used to take part in Zug's practices skating and playing himself too. 

Räikkönen has a lot of other hockey-pals in Montreal. Former NHL-star Patrice Brisebois from Canadiens, drives these days Nascar in Canada, so Kimi can exchange opinions about his experiences with him also on Gilles Villeneuve's track. 

It's good to move from Gilles Villeneuve to his son Jacques Villeneuve, who among Finnish fans has the reputation of having a rude attitude towards Räikkönen. 

However the current tv-commentator never scolds Kimi face to face. On the contrary. 

In Montreal Villeneuve greeted Räikkönen with a big smile each time the men happened to run into each other. And I heard that in tv he even praises Kimi when he wins, just as much as he critisizes Kimi if his race doesn't go well. 

Turun Sanomat 

Fonte: Turun Sanomat / Tradução para o Inglês: Nicole

Normal que o pessoal do icehockey curta o Iceman. A recíproca é verdadeira. :)

Sobre Villeneuve e Kimi, como todos sabem, não concordo com as opiniões de Jacques sobre Räikkönen, ele fala, eu me irrito, falo por aqui e depois tento esquecer, para o meu bem do meu coração.

Beijinhos, Ludy


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