
Está tentando imitar o cabelo (feio) novo do Kimi??? É zoação? Provocação?

"A fantastic team result today and it's great to see how much progress we have made together since last year. The feeling of confidence that our car will be quick in qualifying is fantastic and I love going to a race knowing that we have a shot of a strong grid position. The team are doing a great job and we are keeping up the development so a big thank you to everyone at the factories, many of whom are here today watching. My lap was good and starting from the front row is great but Lewis did a fantastic job today. I hope we have improved our race pace; it will be all about tyre management tomorrow and keeping the others behind us. I'm confident that we can get a good result." (Nico Rosberg)

Não se preocupa com Lewis, não. Amanhã é só passar ele na largada e "voar as tranças" abrindo espaço. #lumetida



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