Scuffling enough

Scuffling enough 

Kolumni 27.5. 

Scufflings escalate easily in F1-top. Monaco Grand Prix -weekend produced crisis-stubs like from a conveying belt. 

When Mercedes didn't drop from pole into backgrounds like they have done for four times, the opponents knew the reason for it immediately: The private tailored tire test with Merc's drivers right after Spain GP in Barcelona! 

As a matter of fact the team managers became aware of the secret test all of a sudden when Charlie Whiting replied on Saturday evening in the team organisation's meeting to a question concerning tires, that based upon the latest tire test there won't be anymore of those problems in the next races. 

Red Bull and Ferrari ended up protesting and I assume that at least Lotus and Sauber will join the same frontier. 

Nothing will however waver Nico Rosberg's spectacular home victory. That should be clear. 

On the driver-level there was a war or words between Sergio Perez and Kimi Räikkönen. 

When Perez heard that Kimi had called him an idiot, Perez replied that it was Räikkönen who was an idiot in the crashing incident. 

When I did my interviews for my blog after Monaco, Jacques Villeneuve shot right away that Kimi had ruined Sergio's great race with his move that was against the rules. 

Mika Salo stood beside his buddy and told him that he was wrong. 

When braking into a corner one can't change the driving line, but had Räikkönen remained normally on his driving line, then Perez would have crashed right into him in the corner. 

The young Perez already has very few friends in the starting grid and he won't be getting more of them by blaming experienced champions who are reluctant to yield him just because he is blind when it comes to his own situational awareness. 

Turun Sanomat, Monte Carlo 

Fonte: Turun Sanomat / Tradução para o Inglês: Nicole

Este texto é um complemento do de baixo, pois Kulta fala da polêmica do teste secreto da Mercedes com o carro deste ano e os pneus Pirelli desta temporada e também sobre o fato de Pérez ter revidado Kimi, o chamando de idiota.

Kimi nunca teve problemas com nenhum, nenhum, nestes anos todos que corre na categoria, mas definitivamente, nesta temporada, ele encontrou alguém com quem não bate o santo e isto vai ser sempre uma grande "briga" quando os dois se encontrarem nas pistas.

Só para deixar claro, não acho errado um piloto ser agressivo, só não gosto da forma arrogante que Pérez tem de acreditar em seu talento e a maneira como ele foi para cima de Kimi na corrida. Exagerou sim. Minha opinião.

Beijinhos, Ludy


Sorry Kyna, entendi seu desabafo, mas acho que algumas coisas ali ficaram tensas demais, para dizer no mínimo. hahaha

Kyna disse…
eu avisei! hahahahha
o culpado> aquele cara!
Daniel Machado disse…
O mal de correr em Monaco. Acho que tudo foi questão da falta de sorte. Uma pista de corrida de verdade, talvez nada disso tivesse acontecido.

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