Domenicali thinks that Räikkönen is like Alonso in the WDC-battle

Domenicali thinks that Räikkönen is like Alonso in the WDC-battle 

F1 | Turun Sanomat 12.5.2013 23:34 

Although they claim in Ferrari that they focus only on Sebastian Vettel in the WDC-battle, Stefano Domenicali emphasized that there is at least a 3-way battle going on. 

– Kimi Räikkönen is like Fernando Alonso. He can produce consistently and evenly results, hence he should absolutely not be excluded from this WDC-battle, Domenicali reminded. 

Turun Sanomat, Barcelona 

Fonte: Turun Sanomat / Tradução para o Inglês: Nicole

Minha reação para o que Stefano Domenicali pensa a respeito de Kimi Räikkönen...

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