As palavras do bicampeão!

Fernando Alonso: “Unfortunately, today did not go as we had hoped, even if we tried our very best. We weren’t as competitive as in the first two free practice sessions on Thursday, but I don’t think we can lay the blame for this step backwards on the cooler temperatures, because the conditions are the same for everyone. There was less grip today and on the Softs, maybe we struggled a bit more this morning. I think it’s much simpler than that and we struggled to adapt our car to this very special track, so different to all the others. We usually go better in the race, but it’s a different story here because it’s almost impossible to overtake. This is a race where anything can happen, and we need to be very careful at the start to avoid ending up stuck in a pack. Fortunately, the Mercedes are on the front so that my closest rivals in the classification are not too far, with Kimi starting next to me and Vettel just one row ahead. Let’s hope I can pass both of them so that they can’t pull further away in the championship. I feel sorry for Felipe, as the team did its very best but could not get him out in time for qualifying. I am well aware how starting from the back of the grid here in Monaco can make a difficult race even harder. However, I hope he can do well and that together we can bring home as many points as possible.”

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Bjusss, Tati


Larissa Rachel disse…
Amei tudo que ele disse esse fds , destacando : “Unfortunately, today did not go as we had hoped, even if we tried our very best. We weren’t as competitive as in the first two free practice sessions on Thursday, but I don’t think we can lay the blame for this step backwards on the cooler temperatures, because the conditions are the same for everyone." ainda tenho q aguentar gnt falando que ALONSO é chorão
Larissa, como não PODEM falar do Alonso na pista, criticam estas coisas! Invejinhaaa! hehhehehe

Bjusss, Tati
Larissa, como não PODEM falar do Alonso na pista, criticam estas coisas! Invejinhaaa! hehhehehe

Bjusss, Tati
Larissa Rachel disse…
É , e os que falam esse tipo de coisa são aqueles que ENTENDEM de f1 sabe kkkkkkkkkkkkkk que a gente só vê nos comments do site da globo , SUPER INTELECTUAIS ( não sei pra q eu as vezes ainda vo lá em baixo na pag pff )

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