Strong faith in Räikkönen's striking ability

Strong faith in Räikkönen's striking ability 

F1 | Turun Sanomat 
27.12.2012 23:21 

What does the international F1-media expect from Kimi Räikkönen's season 2013? Here is the German, British and Italian opinion. 

– If Kimi has an even slightly better car than he had last season, then he will be driving in the top group. If Lotus doesn't achieve the same level, then even a driver of Kimi's caliber can't do miracles, says Michael Schmidt from Auto, Motor und Sport.

– I expect a stronger season from Kimi. Lotus made a fantastic car and although the new E21 doesn't perhaps offer all the same advantages as the E20 it should still be quite strong - and Kimi at least is as a driver tougher than before after driving his comeback-season, says Jonathan Noble from Autosport.

– If Lotus has enough money to build and develop new parts to their car, then why wouldn't Kimi do top results with that car also? In the final games the previous season was a learning year for Kimi and he was immediately good enough to drive in the lead, says Andrea Cremonesi from La Gazzetta dello Sport. 

Turun Sanomat 

Fonte: Turun Sanomat / Tradução para o Inglês: Nicole

Por que eu tenho a impressão que a dúvida cheia de preconceito e má vontade sempre vem da mídia italiana? O jeito que o jornalista do La Gazzetta dello Sport coloca o que pensa é cínico demais.

Minha opinião é a mesma de Jonathan Noble, Kimi será forte, mesmo que o E21 não ofereça as mesmas vantagens do E20. E como o inglês acrescenta bem, ele voltou um piloto ainda mais forte do que era.

Beijinhos, Ludy


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