Kimi Räikkönen wishes Robert Kubica good luck in his comeback

Kimi Räikkönen wishes Robert Kubica good luck in his comeback Robert Kubica's budding comeback to motosport a year and a half after his accident made Kimi Räikkönen wish him good luck.

- It's great to hear that he already feels better. That [accident] was an unfortunate event and he was unlucky. It's marvellous that he can race again and I wish he does well, Räikkönen said in ORF:s interview in Monza.

When asked if the driver is more important in rally than in F1, Räikkönen replied cautiously yes.

- It's a completely different sport and of course you have to have a good car, but the dudes are very close to each other. After a 40-kilometer stint they can be one second apart from each other.

- So if you don't have a good car, then you don't have any chances either, but in some circumstances the driver can make a bigger difference in rally than in F1. It's a real sport, funny and challenging.

Kubica's first comeback-rally went better than expected, since he won the Ronde Gomitolo di Lana -rally in Italy on Sunday.

Fonte: / Tradução para o Inglês: Nicole

Eu imaginei que uma hora ou outroa, perguntariam a Kimi sobre o retorno de Kubica. Os dois ficaram mais próximos em 2009, quando descobriram que tinham gostos em comum como o kart e o rali.

Beijinhos, Ludy


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