Semana Fernando Alonso 2012 - Dia 5: Parte 5

Fernando Alonso, 30 vitórias na Fórmula 1:

23a. Vitória - GP da Alemanha 2010
Onde:Hockenheimring, Hockenheim, Germany - 4.574 km,  67 laps
Data:25 de julho de 2010
Posição de largada:
Pódio: 1. Fernando Alonso 2. Felipe Massa 3. Sebastian Vettel
Resultado final: AQUI 
Press Conference AQUI 
O que Alonso falou após a vitória na Alemanha 2010!?

Fernando Alonso (1st): "This is a very important win, which comes on the back of weeks of hard work from the team, who pushed to make up the ground that separates us from our main rivals. Race after race, the improvements applied to the F10 have proved to be effective, thus making the car more competitive. I am very happy, because winning with Ferrari is a very special feeling. At the start I was pushed right up against the wall by Vettel, whose only thought was to close me down, while Felipe made the most of it to go past both of us. Then, I tried to stay close all the time to my team-mate and when he had some difficulties, I got past: I am sure that Felipe was thinking above all of the good of the team and that it was pointless to take risks when we had Vettel catching us up. There is no point in doing the sums for the championship now. We have shown what our package can do in a normal race and we must simply continue to work, trying to always pick up the maximum number of points. As I have always said, the final tally will come in Abu Dhabi."



24a. Vitória - GP da Itália 2010
Onde: Autodromo Nazionale Monza, Monza, Italy - 5.793 km - 53 laps
Data: 12 de setembro de 2010
Posição de largada: Pole position
Pódio: 1. Fernando Alonso 2. Lewis Hamilton 3. Nico Rosberg
Resultado final: AQUI
Press Conference AQUI
O que Alonso falou após a vitória na Itália 2010!?

Fernando Alonso (1st): "Winning at Monza at the wheel of a Ferrari is something special, which can only stand comparison to when I won in front of my home crowd in Barcelona in 2006. Being on the podium was an incredible feeling: what a sea of people, so many flags! I was stunned by the emotion from the fans, right from the first moment they got here on Thursday. I wish to dedicate this victory to them and to the passion that characterises all Ferrari fans. I got a reasonably good start, but Jenson's was definitely better and more effective. I tried to attack him at the first corner but I did not manage it and there were some very exciting moments, when I collided with him and with Felipe. I was worried there might be some damage, but fortunately everything was fine. I could always keep up with Jenson: we were working out what might be the best strategy, then he pitted and it was obvious then that I should do one more lap. The pit stop was super: we gained the tenths that made the difference. Today, it was the mechanics who won the race and they produced a real miracle. The whole team was fantastic as was the car. Now we have updates coming for Singapore, but it will not be easy to continue to improve, because we also need to start thinking about 2011. We have to stay focussed and do our best. We cannot allow ourselves the slightest mistake, because we are still behind, but we have definitely taken a good step forward today." 



Tati no GP da Alemanha: Polêmica desnecessária. Momento desnessário. Ao mesmo uma hipocrisia dos infernos. Todo mundo que apontou o dedo, tinha em suas casas telhados de vidro, todos rachados. Uma vitória com gosto amargo.

Tati no GP da Itália: Era a vitória do tudo ou nada para manter as chances de campeonato vivas. Vitória conquistada, na pole e no pit stop incrível da equipe da Ferrari. Ali demos um passo importante para que pudessemos chegar em Abu Dhabi líderes.

Pergunta ao alonsista: E vocês onde estavam!?! hehe


Até amnhã!!

BJusss, Tati


a disse…
Esse GP de Monza foi louco!!! Uma das vitórias mais legais do Alonso e uma das mais emocionantes!! Uma das poucas corridas que eu pude ver em 2010 e valeu a pena!
Essa GP de Monza foi louco!! Uma das vitórias mais emocionantes do Alonso e uma das mais legais também! Uma das poucas corridas que pude ver em 2010 e valeu a pena![
P.S: desculpa meninas, mandei sem queres meu primeiro comentário anônimo! =/
Ciro disse…
O GP da Itália tinha que ser do Alonso pelo que fez no fim de semana, no final tudo deu certo. Ótimas voltas antes da parada, a parada foi rápida e ele conseguiu voltar a frente e se manter.

Ali os tifosi devem ter se rendido totalmente ao Alonso.
Julie disse…
Só tenho uma palavra para o GP de Monza 2010: INESQUECÌVEL!!!!


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