Hungary Friday quotes: Lotus

Kimi Raikkonen - 2nd: "It was a normal Friday for me. We did the normal things and tried to make the car as quick as it can be. We were second fastest which was good, and we've managed to improve the setup on my car over the last few races so I've been pretty happy with it. We're just making small improvements, but we're making them all the time and going in the right direction. It's only Friday, but we're hoping for another good day tomorrow. " 

Romain Grosjean - 9th: "Not the best day we've had but not the worst either. The car didn't feel quite as I like it, similar to how it felt in Hockenheim, which made things a bit tricky. I made a mistake running wide on the exit of turn seven in the second session which meant I touched the wall, so a big apology to the guys for that. On a more positive note we now understand a few things which need improving in terms of setup, so hopefully tomorrow these will make a difference and I'll have the confidence to push a bit harder and show the true pace of the car." 

James Allison, Technical Director: "We conducted valuable analysis of our latest aerodynamic developments on Kimi's car this morning which help bring it a step closer to deployment in a race sometime in the future. Romain was uncomfortable with his car today which is something we will try to understand this evening. Kimi was pretty happy overall, even this morning when we weren't running the native downforce settings for this circuit. With the Hungary setup in the afternoon, Kimi was comfortable, quick, and happy with both specifications of dry tyre. Whilst we haven't conducted our usual long runs today it looks like both compounds should be reasonable race tyres."


Bom resultado. Muito bom eu diria! Vamos esperar que este ritmo de Kimi continue amanhã e domingo, se o bendito do São Pedro não resolver atrapalhar tudo!!!! rsrsrs...

Beijinhos, Ludy


Hugh =T disse…
Estão confiantes mas essa chuva europeia está de matar esse ano!

Pode aparecer El Fódon das astúrias denovo para ganhar de forma maestral...
bryan disse…
Eu pensei que as mudanças que a Lotus trouxe para as últimas corridas seriam o principal motivo da equipe ter conseguido mais velocidade e "grip". O estranho era ver que o Grojean não acompanhava Kimi. Mas hoje o Iceman disse em entrevista que o motivo foi outro.... Vou aguardar a Ludy explicar melhor isso pra depois comentar.
Eu? Explicar? Quem explica algo aqui é o Kimi...rsrsrs

bjs, Ludy
Anônimo disse…
Nossa estou muito animada com esse GP, chega a dar frio na barriga. rss Não queria criar expectativas..só que depois do treino de hoje .. estou querendo me permitir acreditar que nós ( Kimi rss) teremos um belo final de semana hein?!! Que a chuva fique longe , bem longe, e que a pista pegue "fogo" kkkkkkkkkkkk rss *Amém*
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