Vettel challenges Räikkönen in badminton

Vettel challenges Räikkönen in badminton

Turun Sanomat 31.12.2011 11:24:18

World Champion Sebastian Vettel throws a challenge to Kimi Räikkönen who is now returning to the playfield.

Vettel has finetuned his skills in badminton during the whole time Kimi has been in WRC. The men's challenge games in the badminton field have already been known for years.

Vettel has never won Räikkönen in badminton but according to his longtime game-buddy Tommi Pärmäkoski, Vettel believes he will also beat Kimi on the playfield in future.

– Sebastian asked me to say hello to Kimi, to tell him that he is ready whenever it suits Kimi. Sebastian has improved a lot during these two years and he believes that whereas Kimi is a bit rusty, he again is much more better than before. He boasts wondering if Kimi will even score one point anymore, Pärmäkoski said throwing more water on the challenge -sauna heater.

– However Kimi is damn good and talented in every way, Pärmäkoski admitted.

Turun Sanomat


Fonte: Turun Sanomat/ Tradução para o Inglês: Nicole

rsrsrs... Muitos jogos de badminton vão acontecer na sede do Octeto em 2012!!! Kimi enferrujado?! Prepare-se Vettel!!! #risadamaléfica

Beijinhos, Ludy


Milton disse…
Ao menos Badminton é mais seguro que Ice Hockey... O risco de perder uns dentes é bem

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