Kimi Rally Finland review in Finnish

Posto para vocês a coluna de Kimi após o Rali da Finlândia. Ele ficou satisfeito, contou como foram as coisas, os problemas, falou sobre a sensação boa de pontuar em todos os eventos e também comentou por cima, sobre algumas expectativas para o Rali da Alemanha.

Kimi Rally Finland review in Finnish

The last day's speed the best

That was my third Jyskälä. I got 9th position and first WC-points from my home race. The weekend was okay, but once again it became clear that it's a difficult rally, seriously, it's one of the most difficult rallies.

We had a tricky start. We took it a bit too carefully. I couldn't find the rythm, no matter what. Then at the last day it started to go well. In the morning the times were probably the best we have got the whole year. I'm sure that the pace was more or less the pace we have at this point.

Then the racing stopped on the second Leustu SS.

There was a rock in the track. The wing's bottom hit there. The car jumped a bit, we spinned and there was somekind of a fence. First we thought it had only touched, but that's where it halted. The rear touched and the front hit the fence.

After that we didn't have a wing anymore, and when there's no wing the air goes straight under the car. Since the front bumper didn't work, there was nothing we could do in the corners because the front is taking off all the time, in every direction. All air goes underneath and and twists the rear tyre.

Without this fuss we would probably had been a few positions better in the endresults. We would have gone past Henning Solberg. But it's nothing. This time it just went like this.

I'm totally satisfied with the last day, we tried to even drive. It felt at once that we are in ok speed.

Now we have done five rallies this year and finished and scored points each time. You get good vibes when you feel that every rally has gone better than last year.

Now we go from gravel to tarmac. We test a couple of days in Germany and are better prepared for Germany's rally in a few weeks.

We haven't drove at all on tarmac with this car. In testing we will see how it goes, but usually these Citroens have been quite good on tarmac roads.

Fonte:ção para o Inglês: Nicole

Beijinhos, Ludy


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