"Räikkönen's bumper was torn apart" by Heikki Kulta

Räikkönen's bumper was torn apart

Turun Sanomat 30.7 2011 15:55:10

Kimi Räikkönen's great day got a hard hit after service break on SS 17.

– The car broke down after service at the beginning of the first stage. It had so called double-lefties (?) out of which one is more tight than the other one. There was a rock inside of it, it hit and the rear hit a fence. The front bumper was broken and after that air goes inside and the car doesn't turn decently anymore.

– What can you do, Räikkönen complained.

On the next stage – Surkee 2 – Räikkönen whipped his badly hurt Citroen into a 7th fastest time and closed the gap to both Solberg and Wilson, although his position didn't yet improve.

Turun Sanomat, Jyväskylä - HEIKKI KULTA

Fonte: Turun Sanomat/ Tradução para o Inglês: Nicole

Leu isto Sr. Quesnel?! Leu?! Leu?! Leu?! Com o carro quebrado (viram a foto? não? aqui está) na frente, na especial seguinte ele ainda conseguiu fazer um bom tempo. Mas o senhor estava lá, deve ter visto! Ou não quis ver...o que aposto é a opção correta.

Kimi fez um ótimo trabalho no seu último dia de Rali da Finlândia, mas quem acompanhou o evento por aqui, sabe o que penso, porque já falei sobre isto.

Beijinhos, Ludy


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