Räikkönen wishes Kubica good luck to get well

Räikkönen wishes Kubica good luck to get well

Turun Sanomat 10.2 2011 22:48:35

Kimi Räikkönen and Robert Kubica were F1-brothers who were especially connected by their love for rally. Now Räikkönen continues for the second year in WRC while the Pole is laying badly hurt in an Italian hospital after his serious rally accident.

What did Räikkönen think when he heard about Kubica's accident?

– That he had quite some bad luck there. That's how it sadly is. It's useless to speculate more on it because it isn't going to change it into anything else, Räikkönen said.

Is rally more dangerous than F1?

– Both are dangerous. Robert just had bad luck like I already said. It was bad luck but there was some good luck too. The worst could have happened if the end of the railing would have come inside through the spot where he was sitting. Those things can just happen. Every racing driver has to deal with that risk.

– Hopefully Robert will be allright, Räikkönen sighed.

Kaj Lindström doesn't remember any accident like Kubica's ever before.

– It is a serious matter and makes you stop to think when something like that happens to the dude. Fortunately his hand didn't have to be amputated. That accident had ingredients for absolutely everything when the car took off and the railing hit so that it got inside to steer over the gearbox.

– I don't know if it would have helped no matter what would have been done. When it happens, it happens. There are always dangers. And Kubica isn't any rookie because he has about 20 rallies behind him, Lindström thinks.

Turun Sanomat, Hagfors


Fonte: Turun Sanomat/Tradução para o Inglês: Nicole

Kimi tem razão, e foi o que falei por aqui algumas vezes desde o acidente, não temos como ficar pensando que poderia não ter acontecido, porque infelizmente, estes acidentes podem ocorrer quando se corre em competições perigosas como rali e F1. A sorte, como o Iceman mencionou é que poderia ter sido pior e não foi, Kubica teve a sorte de passar por isto e sair vivo, podendo se recuperar totalmente. Graças a Deus!

Beijinhos, Ludy


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