Fala que eu comento

Além da coletiva, Nico, hoje, ainda conversou com o pessoal do Formula1.com em uma entrevista exclusiva.

Ele falou sobre o início da temporada, das diferenças entre seu aintigo time e agora, o desenvolvimento da Mercedes como carro e equipe. Também, mencionou suas boas memórias sobre a pista da Malásia e da última prova, na Austrália. E adivinhem??? Vocês jamais vão acreditar que ele teve que responder perguntas na linha "como é seu relacionamento com MS". incrivelmente criativos, né??? rsrsrs

Como não me contenho e tenho que dar pitaco, fiz alguns comentários em algumas das respostas.

Q: Before the season, there was a lot of speculation about how your move to Mercedes GP would work out. How are you finding it?
Nico Rosberg: I am feeling very much at home here. It is a very nice feeling. Performance wise I think I am doing quite well, and I am confident that I can continue to do well for the rest of the season.

Q: How is it different from driving for Williams?
NR: You have to be more careful with what you say. So I have to think ahead. But in the end it’s not too bad, as I am always straightforward anyway. (Gostei muito dessa parte. Acabou a liberdade de expressão de Grove. Guri esperto! Sabe que apesar de ser um saco não poder falar o que bem entende, muitas vezes é melhor ficar em silencio do que ter que aturar uma guerrinha por nada. Baixa a cabeça e trabalha quieto.)

Q: Your team mate Michael Schumacher and Ross Brawn have worked together for a long time. Have you found a niche in the team?
NR: Yes I have found my niche, but this is an ongoing process. Technically I have been working really well with the team. Michael and I are pushing in the same direction. The team also has the competence to develop very quickly.

Q: Brawn keeps saying that the car is ‘not quite there yet’. What is your view on this situation?
NR: He is right. We are not where we would like to be. We want to win races, and there are at least two teams that are quicker than us. This is why we need to push hard on the development side and try to close the gap. I am very confident that we will. I was in our factory two weeks ago, and the parts that are coming are very impressive.

Q: What is the main area in which the car needs to improve?
NR: The main area where you can generally improve is in the aerodynamics, but the mechanical aspects will also make a step forward.

Q: You have finished twice in P5. Do you feel lucky or do you think you could have done better?

NR: At both races I had the feeling that I could have done even better, but at the same time I thought to myself that I had scored good points and it was a very good start to build on. I have some solid points now, and I can start attacking. São 20 pontos, já. Na briga interna: 20 contra 9.

Q: The Melbourne race has always been hard to predict. How did you manage to avoid being hit?
NR: In general, my approach was to be very cautious, to finish and to score solid points. So I would say that this approach was the right way to go. I also have to say that I might have been more fortunate in various situations than maybe some others.

Q: So far you have performed better than your team mate…
NR: Well, Michael says himself that he is still a bit rusty. But in general I am very pleased with my own job so far. I also know that it will get more and more challenging with him in the future. He is a great team mate. I hope that I can be at the same level as him over the rest of the season, and I think I can. (ok, seja polido o quanto quiser, afinal, é isso que tu tens que fazer. Mas, eu que não tenho que ser políticamente correta, posso inverter a ordem da frase. Agora é ele quem tem que correr atrás para ficar no teu nível e não o contrário.hunft)

Q: You look like you’re having a great time, have you rediscovered your passion for driving?
NR: I have to say that I had a great time at Williams, but I also had the feeling that it was about time for a change. And to come to the track with the hope of winning, being able to attack and being right up there is just great. I am enjoying it very much. (rediscovered?!? Alguma vez ele demonstrou, na Williams, que estava desmotivado ou algo assim? Não gostei da pergunta. hunft)

Q: The Malaysian track has never been that kind to you in terms of results. What are your expectations this weekend?
NR: Generally this track has always suited me. I had my best qualifying result on this track, which was P3 on the grid at the second race of my rookie year. Last year, I was leading the race right after the start in my Williams, so I have had great moments here. Of course, in terms of absolute results, this race has not been one of my best. I am very confident about this weekend, as this is really one of my favourite tracks. (É... bons momentos, não são necessariamente bons resultados. Bem que poderia começar a mudar isso nesse final semana, né guri?)

Era isso. Uma das coisas que me fazem torcer para esse guri são suas entrevistas. Eu gosto muito do modo tranquilo e comprometido com que ele encara, tanto as dificuldades quando as coisas boas. Não fica resmungando e trabalha. O guri sabe o que quer e vai atrás do jeito dele.

Ah!!! Daqui há pouco começa a primeira sessão de treinos livres e se interssar aos diletos leitores eu sempre fico comentando (e passando raiva com os narradores da tv) no meu twitter. Se quiserem aparecer é @luanemagalhaes

E claro, que vocês , também, tem que seguir o twitter do Octeto @blog_octeto O legal é que vocês serão avisados dos posts novos imediatamente por ele :))

By Lu


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