The change of helmet cost the additional lap Räikkönen needed
The change of helmet cost the additional lap Räikkönen needed
18.3.2012 | Turun Sanomat 07:15
Changing the helmet just before the crucial Q3-stint in Saturday's qualification cost Kimi Räikkönen the time he would have needed to get one more additional lap.
According to information Turun Sanomat has, Räikkönen wanted a helmet with a different visor and these crucial seconds were spent during this change.
When Räikkönen's Lotus slided a bit wide in the 12th corner, he slowed down in order to make sure that he could drive a clean lap. He would have made it even with slowing down, if the time used for changing the helmet would have been at his disposal.
Turun Sanomat, Melbourne
Fonte: Turun Sanomat/Tradução para o Inglês: Nicole
18.3.2012 | Turun Sanomat 07:15
Changing the helmet just before the crucial Q3-stint in Saturday's qualification cost Kimi Räikkönen the time he would have needed to get one more additional lap.
According to information Turun Sanomat has, Räikkönen wanted a helmet with a different visor and these crucial seconds were spent during this change.
When Räikkönen's Lotus slided a bit wide in the 12th corner, he slowed down in order to make sure that he could drive a clean lap. He would have made it even with slowing down, if the time used for changing the helmet would have been at his disposal.
Turun Sanomat, Melbourne
Fonte: Turun Sanomat/Tradução para o Inglês: Nicole
Lição aprendida. Agora só tem que trocar o capacete quando tiver tempo sobrando, Iceman.
Beijinhos, Ludy
Beijinhos, Ludy